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Kokan, Z. (2024). Experimental data for publication "Oxazoline amino acid bioconjugates: one-pot synthesis and analysis of supramolecular interactions" [Skup podataka]. doi:10.1039/d4nj00995a
Kokan, Zoran. Experimental data for publication "Oxazoline amino acid bioconjugates: one-pot synthesis and analysis of supramolecular interactions". Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2024. 14.02.2025. doi:10.1039/d4nj00995a
Kokan, Zoran. 2024. Experimental data for publication "Oxazoline amino acid bioconjugates: one-pot synthesis and analysis of supramolecular interactions". Institut Ruđer Bošković. doi:10.1039/d4nj00995a
Kokan, Z. 2024. Experimental data for publication "Oxazoline amino acid bioconjugates: one-pot synthesis and analysis of supramolecular interactions". Institut Ruđer Bošković. [Online]. [Citirano 14.02.2025.]. Preuzeto s:
Kokan Z. Experimental data for publication "Oxazoline amino acid bioconjugates: one-pot synthesis and analysis of supramolecular interactions". [Internet]. Institut Ruđer Bošković: Zagreb, HR; 2024, [pristupljeno 14.02.2025.] Dostupno na:
Z. Kokan, Experimental data for publication "Oxazoline amino acid bioconjugates: one-pot synthesis and analysis of supramolecular interactions", Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2024. Citirano: 14.02.2025. Dostupno na:
Experimental data (UV-Vis, NMR, IR, HRD, HRMS, ESI-MS, CD, NMR calcd.) for the original scientific article M. Bakija et al. Oxazoline amino acid bioconjugates: one-pot synthesis and analysis of supramolecular interactions, New J. Chem., 2024,48, 8702-8719. DOI: 10.1039/d4nj00995a
Metodologija (engleski)
The original research data are given in their original format (which can be viewed by free downloadable software) or ASCI files for easier accessing and evaluating. ESI mass spectra were recorded on an HPLC-MS system (Agilent Technologies 1200) coupled using a 6410 Triple-Quadrupole mass spectrometer, operating in a positive ESI mode. High-resolution mass spectra were obtained on a MALDI TOF-TOF instrument using a CHCA matrix. CD spectra were recorded using a spectropolarimeter in 1 cm and 0.1 cm quartz Suprasil cells. Stock solutions of the isolated compounds were prepared for CD measurements of ligands. The measured ellipticity θ [deg] (in CD) is converted to the concentration-independent Δε [M−1 cm−1] through the relation Δε = θ/(l × 32 982 × c), where l [cm] is the path length and c [mM] is the concentration. NMR spectra were obtained using a Bruker Avance AV300 or AV600 spectrometer, operating at 300 or 600 MHz for 1H and 75 or 150 MHz for 13C; if not indicated further, the spectra were recorded at room temperature. IR spectra were recorded in solid state, using an ATR Agilent Cary 630 FT-IR spectrometer or KBr pellets with a Bruker Alpha FT-IR spectrometer, in the 4000–600 cm−1 (ATR) or 4000–350 cm−1 (KBr pellets) region.
Šifra: IP-2022-10-8456 Naziv (hrvatski): Supramolekulska asimetrična kataliza: Prijenos kiralnosti u koordinacijskim kavezima (Cage Cat) Naziv (engleski): Supramolecular asymmetric catalysis: Chirality transfer in coordination cages (Cage Cat) Kratica: Cage Cat Voditelj: Srećko Kirin Pravna nadležnost: Hrvatska Financijer: Hrvatska zaklada za znanost Linija financiranja: Research Projects
Šifra: KK. Naziv (hrvatski): Inovativna rješenja u katalitičkim proizvodnim procesima za potrebe farmaceutske industrije Naziv (engleski): Innovative solutions in catalytic processes in the pharmaceutical industry Kratica: CAT PHARMA Voditelj: Srećko Kirin Pravna nadležnost: eu Financijer: Europska unija Linija financiranja: European Regional Development Fund