
Dependence of MeV TOF SIMS secondary molecular ion yield from phthalocyanine blue on primary ion stopping power
Dependence of MeV TOF SIMS secondary molecular ion yield from phthalocyanine blue on primary ion stopping power
Marko Brajković
Zdravko Siketić
Ivančica Bogdanović-Radović
Marko Barac
Detectability limits of epidemic sources in networks
Detectability limits of epidemic sources in networks
Nino Antulov-Fantulin
Alen Lančić
Hrvoje Štefančić
Tomislav Šmuc
Mile Šikić
Development of MeV TOF-SIMS capillary microprobe at the Ruder Boskovic Institute in Zagreb
Development of MeV TOF-SIMS capillary microprobe at the Ruder Boskovic Institute in Zagreb
Marko Brajković
Marko Barac
Domagoj Donny Cosic
Ivančica Bogdanović-Radović
Zdravko Siketić
Estuarine phytoplankton adapts to salinity stress by increasing the unsaturation of the thylakoid lipid MGDG
Estuarine phytoplankton adapts to salinity stress by increasing the unsaturation of the thylakoid lipid MGDG
Blaženka Gašparović
Environmental changes inevitably lead to acclimation or adaptation of phytoplankton in order to survive. Life in estuaries, especially in surface waters, is a challenge, particularly because of the fluctuating salinity. Here we present the acclimation/adaptation of phytoplankton thylakoid membranes to salinity stress, which includes remodeling of monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) fatty acids. The conclusions were drawn on the basis of work on two completely different estuaries, the Krka...
Experimental data for "Detection of Low-Penetrating Ions in Diamond at Room Temperature"
Experimental data for "Detection of Low-Penetrating Ions in Diamond at Room Temperature"
Milan Vićentijević
Milko Jakšić
Georgios Provatas
Tomislav Suligoj
