- Gašparović, BlaženkaNW Adriatic Sea phytoplankton and C. pseudocurvisetus lipidomics
- Novak, JuricaOxo-tetrahydro-pyrimidin-benzenesulfonamide Hybrids as Potential BRAFV600E Inhibitors: Experimental, Computational and Biological Evaluations
- Mouthuy, Pierre-Alexis, Somogyi Škoc, Maja, Čipak Gašparović, Ana, Milković, Lidija, Carr, Andrew J., Žarković, NevenPhysico-chemical and biological characterisation of the use of curcumin-loaded electrospun filaments for soft tissue repair applications
- Popović, Marta, Antičević, Ivan, Otten, CecileRaw data from the publication ''Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2 (Tdp2) repairs DNA-protein crosslinks and protects against double strand breaks in vivo''
- Tomić, DraškoResults of the efficacy of FDA approved antiviral drugs on SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein
- Barac, Marko, Siketić, Zdravko, Bogdanović-Radović, Ivančica, Brajković, MarkoSpatially resolved metabolic composition in seeds of common bean: comparison of the low phytic acid mutant and the wild type
- Jurec, Jurica, Rakvin, Boris, Ruđer Bošković InstituteStudy of Saturation Properties of an Inhomogeneous CW‑EPR Line in the Vicinity of Rabi Resonance
- Ceci, SašaSupplementary material for the paper "The strangest non-strange meson is not so strange after all"
- Tomić, DraškoSupplementary materials for the paper "Exploring Potential Therapeutic Combinations for Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer using supercomputers - a proof of concept study"
- Roje, MarinSynthesis, Absolute Configuration, Biological Profile and Antiproliferative Activity of New 3,5-Disubstituted Hydantoins
- Szilner, SuzanaThe 206Pb+118Sn reaction
- Podobnik, Boris, Wild, Dorian, Lipić, TomislavThe New Wealth of Nations: How STEM Fields Generate the Prosperity and Inequality of Individuals, Companies, and Countries: Firm-level data - SP500 list