Code nloimpact23
Kornelija Passek-Kumerički Goran Duplančić Marija Čuić Krešimir Kumerički
Ivica Kopriva This directory contains 27 hyerspectral images (HSIs) of hematoxylin-end-eosin stained pathohistological specimens collected intraoperatively from 14 patients with diagnosis adenocarcinoma of the colon in the liver. Directory also contains corresponding (co-registered) pseudo-RGB color images. Stored data can also be used for semi-supervised learning (SSL) classifiers in combination with two kinds of 3D spectral spatial features. In this case all data are equal, i.e., there are no train and...Hyperspectral images were acquired at Photon etc's hyperspectral microscope ( in the range 450nm to 800nm with a spectral resolution of 1nm. The specimens were gathered through a clinical study funded by the Croatian science foundation grant IP-2016--06-5235, conducted between March 2017 and February 2020 at the Department of Pathology and Cytology, Clinical Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia.This dataset is a part of larger cohort of 19 patients with the same...