Dataset: ALK/ Access Condition: Open access Description: This dataset contains molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories generated using AMBER22 for the NS3 protease with and without the NS2B cofactor. The dataset includes unbound protease simulations, an alternative protonation state system (His3700/Asp61−−/Ser12100), and ligand-bound complexes derived from molecular docking. The dataset supports studies on NS3 protease dynamics, ligand interactions, and alternative protonation states. It is suitable for further analyses such as binding free energy calculations and conformational clustering. (English)
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Novak, J. (2025). In Silico Design of Alkhumra Virus NS3 Protease Inhibitors [Data set].
Novak, Jurica. In Silico Design of Alkhumra Virus NS3 Protease Inhibitors. Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2025. 21 Mar 2025.
Novak, Jurica. 2025. In Silico Design of Alkhumra Virus NS3 Protease Inhibitors. Institut Ruđer Bošković.
Novak, J. 2025. In Silico Design of Alkhumra Virus NS3 Protease Inhibitors. Institut Ruđer Bošković. [Online]. [Accessed 21 March 2025]. Available from:
Novak J. In Silico Design of Alkhumra Virus NS3 Protease Inhibitors. [Internet]. Institut Ruđer Bošković: Zagreb, HR; 2025, [cited 2025 March 21] Available from:
J. Novak, In Silico Design of Alkhumra Virus NS3 Protease Inhibitors, Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2025. Accessed on: Mar 21, 2025. Available:
Shivananda Kandagalla (Researcher) thinkMolecular Technologies, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
NATURAL SCIENCES Chemistry Theoretical Chemistry
Abstract (english)
Alkhumra virus, a zoonotic pathogen in the Flaviviridae family, causes severe hemorrhagic fever in humans, yet vaccines and drugs remain unavailable. The NS2B/NS3 protease, essential for virion maturation, represents a promising therapeutic target. Structural and dynamical changes induced by NS2B cofactor binding to the NS3 protein were examined using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. NS2B binding reduces the flexibility of NS3, particularly in contact regions, without altering its secondary structure. Non- bonding van der Waals and electrostatic interactions are identified as the primary driving forces in cofactor binding. The protonation states of catalytic triad residues significantly affect the active pocket’s geometry. A drug repurposing campaign utilizing ensemble docking and molecular dynamics simulations identified three DrugBank compounds as potential NS2B/NS3 protease inhibitors. The catalytic serine residue with a deprotonated hydroxyl group contributed most significantly to the free energy of binding. These findings provide a detailed understanding of the molecular interactions underlying ligand binding to NS2B/NS3, offering valuable insights for developing effective inhibitors.
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed using AMBER22 to model the NS3 protease with and without the NS2B cofactor. The simulation protocol followed a prior study, with an extended 1000 ns production run. Systems were subjected to two-step energy minimization: first, 10,000 cycles with positional restraints (10.0 kcal mol Å) on the protein, followed by unrestrained minimization. Equilibration involved gradual heating to 310 K over 500 ps (NVT), followed by 1000 ns production simulations (NPT, 310 K, 1 atm) with a 2 fs time step. Temperature control used a Langevin thermostat (1 ps), and SHAKE was applied to constrain hydrogen bonds. Electrostatics were treated with Particle Mesh Ewald (PME), using an 11 Å cutoff for nonbonded interactions. The AMBER ff19SB force field was used for protein parametrization, and protonation states were assigned via APBS-PDB2PQR. Catalytic triad residues were adjusted based on experimental data: His37 protonated on both nitrogens, Asp61 deprotonated, and Ser121 deprotonated following AMBER reparametrization guidelines. Simulations were conducted on both NS2B/NS3 and NS3 systems, as well as an alternative NS2B/NS3 system with modified protonation states (His37/Asp61/Ser121). Docking-derived ligand-bound complexes underwent MD simulations using the AMBER ff19SB and GAFF force fields. Systems were solvated in a truncated octahedral TIP3P water box (12 Å buffer) and neutralized with Na and Cl ions (0.15 M). The minimization, equilibration, and production protocols mirrored those for NS2B/NS3. Due to computational constraints, MD simulations were performed for six ligands in the most populated binding conformation. All simulations were conducted in triplicate, ensuring statistically robust sampling. Trajectory analysis was performed using CPPTRAJ.
Number: uniri-mladi-prirod-22-8 Title (croatian): Prenamjena lijekova protiv virusnih hemoragijskih groznica Title (english): Drug Repurposing for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers Acronym: uniri-mladi-prirod-22-8 Leader: Jurica Novak Jurisdiction: Croatia