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Šantić, A. (2025). The experimental data for "Structure–polaronic conductivity relationship in vanadate–phosphate glasses" [Skup podataka].
Šantić, Ana. The experimental data for "Structure–polaronic conductivity relationship in vanadate–phosphate glasses". Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2025. 03.03.2025.
Šantić, Ana. 2025. The experimental data for "Structure–polaronic conductivity relationship in vanadate–phosphate glasses". Institut Ruđer Bošković.
Šantić, A. 2025. The experimental data for "Structure–polaronic conductivity relationship in vanadate–phosphate glasses". Institut Ruđer Bošković. [Online]. [Citirano 03.03.2025.]. Preuzeto s:
Šantić A. The experimental data for "Structure–polaronic conductivity relationship in vanadate–phosphate glasses". [Internet]. Institut Ruđer Bošković: Zagreb, HR; 2025, [pristupljeno 03.03.2025.] Dostupno na:
A. Šantić, The experimental data for "Structure–polaronic conductivity relationship in vanadate–phosphate glasses", Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2025. Citirano: 03.03.2025. Dostupno na:
The experimental data for "Structure–polaronic conductivity relationship in vanadate–phosphate glasses"
Ana Šantić Ruđer Bošković Institute
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI Kemija Anorganska kemija
Sažetak (engleski)
The complete experimental data for the research paper: M. Razum, L. Pavić, D. Pajić, J. Pisk, P. Mošner, L. Koudelka and A. Šantić, "Structure–polaronic conductivity relationship in vanadate–phosphate glasses", J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 107 (2024) 5866–5880. Data material contains: DTA curves, complex impedance isotherms, Raman spectra and SQUID measurements for six glass samples: 41V (41.4 V2O5-58.6 P2O5), 50V (49.6 V2O5-50.4 P2O5), 58V (58.4 V2O5-41.6 P2O5), 68V (68.4 V2O5-31.6 P2O5), 78V (78.0 V2O5-22.0 P2O5) and 89V (89.2 V2O5-10.8P2O5) (glass composition in mol%).
Metodologija (engleski)
The original research data are given as .DAT/.txt files for easy accessing and evaluating.
The DTA (differential thermal analysis) curves were recorded using Mettler TG/DSC 3+ 50 thermobalance. For the measurements, 30 mg of the glass powder was placed in an opened Pt crucible and heated at a rate of 20 °C min−1 in pure oxygen from 25 °C up to 1000 °C. The results were analyzed by applying the Mettler STARe 9.01 software. The Raman spectra of glasses were measured in the range of 1400-200 cm–1 at room temperature using DXR Raman spectrometer Thermo Scientific with a 532 nm solid state (Nd: YAG) diode-pumped laser. The recorded Raman bands were further analyzed using a least-square fitting procedure assuming a Gaussian shape for all bands.
The fraction of vanadium ions in different oxidation states were determined using MPMS5 SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) magnetometer from the temperature dependence of magnetization measured from 2 K to 300 K in a constant magnetic field of 0.1 T. The measurements were performed with additional precautions to avoid any magnetic contamination and maintain a constant stable temperature of the sample during the measurement of each point to get accurate results. Obtained data were analyzed using the Curie constant attributed to the isolated paramagnetic centers V4+, and the ratio of V4+/Vtot was calculated for all prepared samples.
Complex impedance was measured over a wide range of frequencies (0.01 Hz to 1 MHz) and temperatures (from -90 to 240 °C, step 30 °C) using an impedance analyser Novocontrol Alpha‒AN dielectric spectrometer. The temperature is controlled to ±0.2 °C. For the electrical measurements, samples were prepared in the form of ~0.73 mm thick disks. Gold electrodes, 5.4 mm in diameter, were sputtered onto both sides of the disks using Sputter Coater SC7620.
Šifra: IP-2018-01-5425 Naziv (engleski): Expanding insights into the mechanisms of polaronic and ionic conduction in oxide glass-(ceramics) Kratica: POLAR-ION-GLASS Voditelj: Ana Šantić Pravna nadležnost: Hrvatska Financijer: Hrvatska zaklada za znanost Linija financiranja: Istraživački projekt