Jurica Novak, Centar za informatiku i računarstvo, Institut Ruđer Bošković Ova readme.txt datoteka je generirana 20250108 od strane Jurice Novaka GENERALNE INFORMACIJE 1. Naslov skupa podataka: Oxo-tetrahydro-pyrimidin-benzenesulfonamide Hybrids as Potential BRAFV600E Inhibitors: Experimental, Computational and Biological Evaluations 2. Naslov istraživačkog projekta: - 2. Informacije o autoru: A. Kontakt podaci glavnog istraživača Ime: Jurica Novak Institucija: Centar za informatiku i računarstvo, Institut Ruđer Bošković Adresa: Bijenička cesta 54, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska E-mail: jnovak@irb.hr 3. Datumi : A. Datum prikupljanja podataka: 2024 B. Datum početka i završtetka istraživanja: 2024-2025 C. Vremensko razdoblje obuhvaćeno podacima: 2024-2025 4. Geografski položaj prikupljanja podataka: Hrvatska 5. Informacije o izvorima financiranja koji su podržali prikupljanje podataka: SADRŽAJNE INFORMACIJE 1. Opis podataka: MD simulacije novosintetiziranih inhibitora u aktivnom mjestu BRAF proteina. 2. Ključne riječi: BRAF; inhibitors; 3D-QSAR; molecular docking; molecular dynamics 3. Rječnik istraživačkih podatakav: INFORMACIJE O PRISTUPU I DIJELJENJU 1. Licence/ograničenja postavljena na istraživačke podatke: otvoren pristup 2. Veza na publikaciju/e koja navodi ili koristi istraživačke podatke: 3. Veze na javno dostupne lokacije istraživačke podataka: 4. Veze na pomoćne skupove podataka: 5. Jesu li podaci izvedeni iz drugog izvora? ne 6. Citiranje istraživačkih podataka : 7. Format/i istraživačkih podataka: mdcrd - Amber trajectory output file parm7 - Amber parameter file rst7 - Amber restart file PREGLED PODATAKA I DATOTEKA ISTRAŽIVAČKOG PROJEKTA 1. Popis mapa: S1 - MD trajectory for BRAF:S1 complex S4 - MD trajectory for BRAF:S4 complex SOR - MD trajectory for BRAF:SOR complex 2. Popis datoteka : cpx_w.prmtop - prmtop file for complex and ions solvated in water box noions.cpx_w.prmtop - prmtop file for complex after stripping solvent and ions noions.mdcrd - combined coodrinates (trajectory) file for complex after stripping solvent and ions md_0X.mdcrd - coodrinates (trajectory) file for complex, solvent and ions (X = number of segment) 3. Odnos između datoteka: 4. Dodatni povezani podaci: 5. Konvencija imenovanja datoteka istraživačkih podataka .: 6. Postoji li više verzija skupa podataka? ne A. Ako je odgovor da, naziv datoteke koja je ažurirana: i. Zašto je datoteka ažurirana? ii. Kada je datoteka ažurirana? iii. Tko je napravio ažuriranje? INFORMACIJE O PRIKUPLJANJU I OBRADI PODATAKA 1. Opis metoda korištenih za prikupljanje/generiranje podataka: The geometries of the top two compounds exhibiting the highest inhibition of BRAF protein in the BRAFV600E kinase assay (S1 and S4), along with the reference drug sorafenib, were optimized using second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) with the 6-31G* basis set. Atomic charges were derived from the electrostatic potential, calculated at selected points using the Merz–Singh–Kollman scheme and the HF/6-31G* method. Parameterization for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations employed the AMBER 22 Antechamber module, utilizing the General AMBER Force Field (GAFF2) for ligands and the AMBER ff19SB force field for the protein. Protonation states of side chains were adjusted to physiological pH (7.4) using the PDB2PQR web server. Initial geometries of the ligand–protein complexes for MD simulations were obtained from molecular docking experiments. These parameterized complexes were solvated in a truncated octahedral box filled with pre-equilibrated OPC water molecules, ensuring a minimum distance of 12 Å between any solute atom and the box boundary. The solvated system was neutralized by adding six chloride ions, followed by additional sodium and chloride ions to achieve a final salt concentration of 0.15 M, as recommended by Machado and Pantano. MD simulations were conducted under physiological conditions (310 K, 1 atm) following a validated minimization–heating–equilibration–production protocol. Energy minimization was performed in two stages: the first involved 10,000 cycles (4,000 steepest descent followed by 6,000 conjugate gradient) with harmonic restraints (k = 10.0 kcal·mol-1·Å-2) on all non-solvent atoms, while the second stage was performed without any restraints. Systems were then gradually heated from 0 K to 300 K over 500 ps, followed by 500 ps of equilibration at constant temperature and pressure. A 300 ns production run was performed using a 2 fs time step, with temperature regulation via a Langevin thermostat (collision frequency: 1 ps-1). Hydrogen atoms were constrained using the SHAKE algorithm, and long-range electrostatics were treated with the particle mesh Ewald method, applying an 11 Å cutoff for non-bonded interactions. Periodic boundary conditions were maintained throughout. All simulations were executed in triplicate on the Supek supercomputer at the University of Zagreb’s University Computing Center (SRCE), using the AMBER 22 software suite. 2. Metode obrade podataka: 3. Informacije specifične za instrument ili softver za interpretaciju podataka: Amber 22 4. Postupci anonimizacije podataka: 5. Postupci osiguranja kvalitete izvršeni na podacima: 6. Osobe uključene u prikupljanje, obradu i analizu uzoraka: Jurica Novak SPECIFIČNI PODACI ZA 1. Broj varijabli: 2. Broj slučajeva/redaka: 3. Popis varijabli : 4. Podaci koji nedostaju: 5. 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