Skup podataka:, 29.13 MB Pravo pristupa: Datoteka je dostupna svim korisnicima iz sustava znanosti i visokog obrazovanja RH Opis datoteke: containts .txt files of frequency dependent HF-ESR measurements (engleski)
Skup podataka:, 27.82 MB Pravo pristupa: Datoteka je dostupna svim korisnicima iz sustava znanosti i visokog obrazovanja RH Opis datoteke: containts .txt files of temperature dependent HF-ESR measurements (engleski)
Dokumentacija: readme.txt, 468 bytes Pravo pristupa: Datoteka je dostupna svim korisnicima iz sustava znanosti i visokog obrazovanja RH Opis datoteke: Explanation of what is given in the date set. (engleski)
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Citirajte ovaj rad
Jurec, J. i Žilić, D. (2024). High field/ high frequency ESR study of the metal complexes [Skup podataka].
Jurec, Jurica i Dijana Žilić. High field/ high frequency ESR study of the metal complexes. Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2024. 26.03.2025.
Jurec, Jurica, i Dijana Žilić. 2024. High field/ high frequency ESR study of the metal complexes. Institut Ruđer Bošković.
Jurec, J. i Žilić, D. 2024. High field/ high frequency ESR study of the metal complexes. Institut Ruđer Bošković. [Online]. [Citirano 26.03.2025.]. Preuzeto s:
Jurec J, Žilić D. High field/ high frequency ESR study of the metal complexes. [Internet]. Institut Ruđer Bošković: Saxony, Dresden, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Helmholtzstraße 20, DE; 2024, [pristupljeno 26.03.2025.] Dostupno na:
J. Jurec i D. Žilić, High field/ high frequency ESR study of the metal complexes, Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2024. Citirano: 26.03.2025. Dostupno na:
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI Fizika Fizika kondenzirane tvari
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI Kemija Fizikalna kemija
Sažetak (engleski)
Eight metal complexes: 1) Co-INT-dhta, 2) Co-INT-dhia, 3) Mn_INT-dhia, 4) Mn-INT-dhta, 5) Ni2-dhia, 6) NiCo-dhia, 7) NiCo-dhta and 8) Ni_INT_dhia were investigated by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. The ESR measurements have been performed at high frequencies above 70 GHz, the so-called high-field/high-frequency ESR (HF-ESR) spectroscopy, in Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research in Dresden in the ESR group of dr. Vladislav Kataev where we are enabled to obtain ESR spectra on frequencies up to 340 GHz. Using HF-ESR spectroscopy we performed frequency dependence measurements of all eight samples at the temperature of 3 K. The representative spectra were obtained at few selected frequencies, handpicked for every investigated sample.
Using HF-ESR spectroscopy we also performed temperature dependence measurements of all eight samples. Our plan was to collect the data in the temperature range from 250 K down to 3 K for every sample but due insufficient instrument time we had to reduce the investigated temperature range for individual samples.
Metodologija (engleski)
The ESR measurements have been performed at high frequencies above 70 GHz, the so-called high-field/high-frequency ESR (HF-ESR) spectroscopy. HF-ESR experiments were obtained using a home-made spectrometer based on a Millimeterwave Vector Network Analyzer that produces submillimetre microwaves and allows phase locked detection of a signal. The measurements were performed on the chosen frequencies of microwaves in three frequency bands; W-band of frequency of around 100 GHz and two even higher bands which enabled us to obtain ESR spectra on frequencies up to 340 GHz. The HF-ESR spectrometer was equipped with the Oxford Instruments magnetocryostat with magnetic fields up to 16 T. The measurements were made in the temperature range from the room temperature down to 3 K using liquid nitrogen and liquid helium. All the measurements were made by sweeping magnetic field from 0 to 16 T (Up) and from 16 to 0 T (Down).
Saxony, Dresden, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Helmholtzstraße 20, Njemačka
Šifra: IP-2022-10-9292 Naziv (hrvatski): Molekulski magnetizam u naprednim čvrstim i mekim materijalima Naziv (engleski): Molecular magnetism in advanced solid and soft materials Kratica: MOMENT Voditelj: Dijana Žilić Pravna nadležnost: Hrvatska Financijer: Hrvatska zaklada za znanost Linija financiranja: Research Projects