Dataset v1.0, dated 03.03.2021. This is a set of measured data and figures attached to the paper: Mario Stipcevic, Ivan Michel Antolovic, Claudio Bruschini, Edoardo Charbon, "Scalable quantum random number generator for cryptography based on the random flip-flop approach", arXiv:2102.12204, URL: Description is as follows: o Dataset1: 25 strings of 1E9 random bits each stored in binary files, generated by one-stage TRFF at 20 Mbps, accompanied with results of statistical testing with NIST STS v2.1.2. suite stored in ASCII files. o Dataset2: 25 strings of 1E9 random bits each stored in binary files, generated by two-stage TRFF at 20 Mbps, accompanied with results of statistical testing with NIST STS v2.1.2. suite stored in ASCII files. o Dataset3: high-resolution figures used in the paper. o Dataset4: ASCII file diff_S0_45M-1.txt containing detection waiting times recorded with time tagger ID900-MASTER, one per line with resolution od 0.1 ns, figures of the empirical distrbution of waiting times, PAW script to draw the figures. o Dataset5: this file.